Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Campaign “Going To School After The Storm” in Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, and Quang Binh.

Tủ Sách Nhân Ái / Campaign “Going To School After The Storm” in Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, and Quang Binh.

Campaign “Going To School After The Storm” in Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, and Quang Binh.


After the devastating floods and storms that hit Vietnam in September and October 2020, many schools in Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, and Quang Binh provinces were heavily damaged. It was a difficult time for teachers and students who were determined to continue their education despite the challenging circumstances.

 The Compassion Books Program, together with the “Thank You Life” program (VTV1), took the initiative to assess the situation and understand the needs of the affected schools. They wanted to support schools with passionate teachers committed to building a reading culture among their students, even in the face of adversity.

 As the “Going to Schools after the Storm” campaign continued, representatives from the Humanitarian Bookcase Program visited various districts across the provinces. They were determined to make a difference by providing high-quality books to schools that needed them the most.

 At Nam Tra My High School for Ethnic Minority Students in Tra Leng commune, Nam Tra My district (Quang Nam), where the most serious landslide disaster had occurred, the program donated 10 bookcases to the teachers and students. It was a special gift dedicated to the school, and it brought joy and hope to everyone there.

 Jơ Ngây Primary School in Jo Ngay commune, a mountainous district of Dong Giang (Quang Nam), was also heavily damaged by landslides. Students were forced to move to two temporary schools that were farther away, as the main school building still could not operate after three months. The program made an effort to provide books to these schools to support their learning and foster a love of reading.

 At Tran Van On Primary School in Tam Anh Bac commune, Nui Thanh district (Quang Nam), located in a particularly difficult coastal flat area, teachers were deeply moved to hear the good news of receiving high-quality books. The same went for Hung Vuong Primary School in Tam Nghia commune, Nui Thanh district (Quang Nam), where Ms. Thuy, the principal, and the teachers had made a great effort to ensure that all classes had beautiful bookcases, with an enthusiastic reading movement.

 Chau O Town Secondary School in Binh Son district (Quang Ngai) suffered severe damage, with almost the entire roof of the school blown away, leaving wet and damaged books and materials. The program provided new books to replace the damaged ones, supporting the students and teachers who were working hard to rebuild after the storm.

 Primary School No. 1 Son Trach, Primary School No. 4 Son Trach, Primary School No. 1 Hung Trach, Thanh Trach Secondary School, Quach Xuan Ky Secondary and High School, and Son Long Secondary and High School in Bo Trach district (Quang Binh) were also severely affected by the recent floods. The schools in Trung Hoa and Thanh Luong had been focusing on building libraries and promoting reading habits among students with guidance from the district’s Department of Education and the dedication of the principals and teachers.

 The program sincerely thanked all the philanthropists who had contributed books to the students affected by the floods. Their kindness and generosity were appreciated, and the books they donated would make a significant difference in the lives of the students. The books would serve as a source of inspiration and motivation, planting valuable lessons, aspirations, and the spirit of learning in the hearts of the students from difficult rural areas.

 The “Going to Schools after the Storm” campaign was an excellent example of how kindness and empathy could bring about positive change in the lives of those who were affected by natural disasters. The program’s efforts to support education in these difficult times were truly commendable, and they would undoubtedly help many students and teachers rebuild their lives after the storm.

Date: 15/10/2020
Duration: 1 Day